Free Style Thought is a compilation of written work, and is meant for the enjoyment
of all interested individuals.
The motive of freestylethought is to provide an arena
where all types of thought, ideas, opinions, and attitudes
on life, can be portrayed
honestly. But the content of freestylethought is always open for anyone to explore.
This website depends on individuals to send in their ideas. The method of free style
thought is similar to
spontaneous prose, where one simply takes notes of whatever
is passing through their mind. These little bits
of thought, these are what
freestylethought is trying to catch, and cultivate. The webmaster has included
picture of himself down below and asks you to please send in the following: pictures
of yourself in the middle
of an action, analogies that explain anything you think is
interesting, anything math related that you have
discovered or want to point out,
any other ideas via written language, and, and this is important, any
questions you
have regarding any subject, and their corresponding answers, if available.